Post by S. BruceI recently bought a Garmin eTrex and I'm new to this. Does the navigator always have to be open to the sky? Or can I put it in pocket or backpack? I even bought a book on navigation, but it doesn't address this!
Next time you're planning to be outside, take your new toy with you.
Hold it in your hand for about 10 minutes and see if it works. Then put
it in your pocket or backpack. Repeat the observation.
Answer to your question will be readily apparent.
More importantly, a person who couldn't figure out the above by himself
probably shouldn't venture into the woods alone. In fact, if I were you,
I'd limit my excursions to wide sidewalks in major metropolitan areas
during daylight hours only ;-)
I never met anyone who didn't have a very smart child. What happens to
these children, you wonder, when they reach adulthood?
--Fran Lebowitz